General knowledge of Special Region of Yogyakarta the state/province of Indonesia

Mostly asked questions about the province Special Region of Yogyakarta

What is the country of Special Region of Yogyakarta ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Special Region of Yogyakarta ?

How many cities are in the state Special Region of Yogyakarta ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Special Region of Yogyakarta ?

What are the name of cities of Special Region of Yogyakarta ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Special Region of Yogyakarta

First question is about the country which is Indonesia and ID is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Special Region of Yogyakarta there is only 18 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Special Region of Yogyakarta by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Special Region of Yogyakarta
Country Name flag of ID Indonesia
Country Code ID
Total States of Indonesia 38
Total Cities of State 18

All Cities of Special Region of Yogyakarta

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Bambanglipuro -7.95000000 110.28333000
2 Bantul -7.88806000 110.32889000
3 Depok -7.76250000 110.43167000
4 Gamping Lor -7.79556000 110.32639000
5 Godean -7.76972000 110.29389000
6 Kabupaten Bantul -7.90000000 110.36667000
7 Kabupaten Gunung Kidul -7.98333000 110.61667000
8 Kabupaten Kulon Progo -7.64500000 110.02694000
9 Kabupaten Sleman -7.68167000 110.32333000
10 Kasihan -7.82694000 110.32917000
11 Kota Yogyakarta -7.80000000 110.37500000
12 Melati -7.73333000 110.36667000
13 Pandak -7.91306000 110.29361000
14 Pundong -7.95222000 110.34861000
15 Sewon -7.87639000 110.35889000
16 Sleman -7.71556000 110.35556000
17 Srandakan -7.93861000 110.25056000
18 Yogyakarta -7.80139000 110.36472000